
Algol Group corporate responsibility targets for 2022-2024


Algol Groups corporate responsibility targets for 2022-2024 are based on the stakeholder survey conducted at the end of 2020. In the stakeholder survey we examined the expectations of our stakeholders for our responsibility work. Our responsibility goals also take into account our Health, Safety and Environment Policy and our Quality Policy.

In our goal setting, we have also reflected on which UN Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030) we can influence in Algol, either directly or indirectly. We have identified these six following goals:


  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
  • Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
  • Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.


  • Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
  • Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Responsible business

  • Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

Five Group-level themes

At the heart of our sustainability goals are the personnel, the environment and responsible business. Five group-level themes have been formed from these:

  • zero accident (personnel)
  • healthy and functional work community (personnel)
  • minimised environment impact of our operations (environment)
  • sustainable resource & energy consumption (environment) and
  • improved operational quality (responsible business).

We monitor the progress and realization of these goals annually. Indicators are also published on the Indicators page.

Tags:  Responsibility