
Get to know our responsibility indicators.

Environmental responsibility

Energy consumption

Head offices consumption (MWh) of electricity and district heating during 2021-2023.

Algol Energy Consumption

Production facilities' consumption (MWh) of energy during 2021-2023. Figure includes only Algol Chemicals Turku and Kvarntorp sites.

Algol Production facilities' consumption of energy

Utilisation of waste

Utilisation of waste during 2021-2023. Reported numbers include all offices in Finland.

Algol Utilisation of waste

CO2 emission value

Our target in 2023 was less than 160 g/km. *The figure includes passenger cars.

Algol CO2 emission value

ISO certified sites

Includes all sertificates.

Algol ISO certified sites

Social responsibility

Algol Personnel


Personnel by the end of 2023.

Algol Amount of new employees

New employees

Amount of new employees in 2023.

Algol Code of business conduct training rate

Code of business conduct training rate

Code of business conduct training rate in 2023. Target for the year 2024: 100 % of the personnel to undergo the training.

Algol Accidents


Work related accidents in 2023.

Algol Lost time incident rate

Lost time incident rate

Accident rate (LTIF) in 2023.

Algol  Safety observations

Safety observations

The amount of safety observations in 2023. The amount includes observations during the safety walks. Number of safety walks: 175.

Algol WhistleB cases

WhistleB cases

WhistleB cases during 2022-2023.

Algol completed review and target setting discussions

Review and target setting discussions

Amount of completed discussions in 2023. Target for the year 2024 is 100%.

Algol Women in management teams and administration

Equality in management teams and administration

Women and men in management teams and administration.



At Algol we carry out equal treatment of people. Plan for equality is part of personnel plan updated yearly.

Algol Politics and ways to prevent and supervise bribery cases

Politics and ways to prevent and supervise bribery cases

Read about our politics and ways to prevent and supervise bribery cases from our Code of Conduct

financial responsibility

Turnover by areas (M€)

Turnover by areas in 2023.

Algol Turnover

Purchased items, materials and services

Purchased items, materials and services during 2019-2023.

Algol Purchased items, materials and services

Personnel's salaries and benefits

Personnel's salaries and benefits during 2019-2023.

Algol Personnel's salaries and benefits

Paid dividends

Paid dividends during 2019-2023.

Algol Paid dividends