
Emergency first aid and occupational safety card training for employees


Each and every occupational accident is one too many. If we aim to a situation where we have zero occupational accidents, we will have to focus even more on preventative measures. 

The emergency first aid courses were given by members of the Finnish Red Cross. Participants were trained in how to act in case of an emergency, how to perform CPR and how to handle a person who is unconscious. 

Occupational safety card training in turn was provided by Uudenmaan Koulutuskeskus Oy, which provided participants with comprehensive information about the dangers in the work environment and occupational safety. The course included theory, practical exercises and an exam.

“After passing the exam, participants were awarded an occupational safety card that is valid for 5 years. Many of our customers and partners require us to have valid occupational safety cards", says Tor Edgren, Head of Corporate Responsibility at the Algol Group.


Tags:  Safety Wellbeing Work community